DAMDEX is a godsend to the construction industry. It allows you to build quicker because DAMDEX dries concrete faster and tests show up to 35% harder, too.
Reinforcing steel is waterproofed so it's protected from rust. Construction can finish sooner so the building is open for business earlier. That also means a quicker return on your investment.
Depending how it is mixed DAMDEX can be used in many ways; to harden and strengthen concrete, plaster and cement; for building walls, laying tiles, grouting etc. Indeed, DAMDEX gives cement so many more uses and applications.
Whether mixing a large or small quantity of cement or concrete the results and effectiveness are the same. The big difference is the amount of money you can save using DAMDEX during construction because you can build quicker, dry faster, finish sooner.
- When added to a concrete mix DAMDEX can improve the quality and strength of concrete by up to 35%.
- Speeds up the hardening process of concrete by up to 50% so you can build twice as fast using project budgets more efficiently.
- DAMDEX makes the structure waterproof so the reinforcing steel in the concrete will not rust.
How to apply
- Specify the concrete mix to be used.
- Find out the weight of dry cement to be used for each mix of mortar.
- The DAMDEX measure should be 2% of the weight of dry cement powder, according to the desired composition.
- First thoroughly mix the concrete then pour the prepared measure of DAMDEX into the mix. Continue to stir well until evenly mixed.
- When using “ready mix” concrete find out the weight of dry cement used in the mix.
- The addition of DAMDEX speeds up the drying time of the mixture. Please REMEMBER this when mixing and casting the concrete.
- "Cure" the concrete in the usual way.

- Avoid ingesting. If swallowed bring victim and DAMDEX container to a specialist immediately.
- Avoid contact with eyes. If eyes come in to contact, wash well with water and see a specialist (bring container).
- Use gloves when handling DAMDEX.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Store at room temperature.
- Genuine DAMDEX is a dark brown color.
Always use gloves when handling a thick, putty-like mix.
Ceramic tiles can be affixed in water or underwater. The mixture has strong adhesive powers and the layer of cement on the back of tile will not be washed off.
3 parts Portland cement + 1 part DAMDEX
Before mixing cement soak tiles or mosaic pieces in water for ten minutes.
How to mix
- Pour measured cement into the container.
- Add one part DAMDEX and work the mixture until it resembles putty and starts to become warm.
- The mixture is now ready and should be used immediately.
How to apply
- Take the soaking tiles from the water and spread sufficient mix on back of tile.
- Place ceramic tile or mosaic carefully in position and be sure to press the tile down firmly, in line and level with the surrounding tiles.
IMPORTANT: no water must be added to this mixture.
For best results fresh cement should be used.
Use gloves when making a thick, putty-like mix.
To block leaks where water is pouring out under pressure from concrete floors, brick or concrete walls, and concrete tanks.
3 parts Portland cement + 1 part DAMDEX
How to mix
- Pour measured cement into container.
- Add one part DAMDEX and work the mixture until it resembles putty and starts to become warm.
- The mixture is now ready and should be used immediately.
How to apply
- In gloved hands work a part of the warm mix into a ball larger than the hole to be plugged.
- Using the ball of the hand push the cement into the leak. Keep pressing for a few seconds and then release. Put sufficient mix into the hole so it is slightly proud of the surface.
- Level off the excess cement immediately. Dip a trowel or straight edge in water and drag it over the surface.

IMPORTANT: no water must be added to this mixture.
For best results use fresh cement.
Use gloves when making a thick, putty-like mix.
How to fill cavities and wide and hairline cracks on concrete floors, brick and concrete walls*
1. For wide cracks
Before mixing cement with a chisel chip away the plaster in a ‘V’ shape along the surface of the crack (see drawing*). Brush out any dust and debris then with a suitable brush apply pure DAMDEX along the crack.
2. For hairline fine cracks
Before mixing cement clean the cracked surfaces and brush in pure DAMDEX.

3 parts Portland cement + 1 part DAMDEX
How to mix
- Pour the measured cement into a bucket.
- Add the measured DAMDEX and work until the mixture becomes warm and feels like putty.
- The mix is now ready and should be used immediately.
How to apply
Wet the surface then use a wide spatula / trowel to fill upall the cracks. Leave to dry for a few minutes.

If necessary, more water can be added to the mixture so it is softer and dries more slowly.
*) Walls can crack for many reasons. Weak or unstable foundations can cause wide, horizontal cracks. If you are unsure how or why the cracks appeared call your boss, contractor or planner. On new constructions only fill cracks 28 days after the standard construction time period.
To waterproof mortar when building walls of brick, pre-cast blocks or lightweight bricks, and waterproofing plaster work.
To cover 5 m2 of 2 cm thick plaster mix 200 kg sand + 40 kg cement (one sack) + 50 liters water + 0.8 liter DAMDEX.
- Thoroughly mix the cement, sand and water until the desired consistency is achieved.
- Pour the measure of DAMDEX into the mixture and stir well. Use the mixture immediately.
- When building with bricks, pre-cast blocks, or lightweight blocks always remove excess mortar between bricks.
- To get the plaster even lay a straightedge on screeds.
- Immediately apply the plaster to the surface with a flick of the wrist making sure it is evenly and well distributed.

To adjust the mix add more water to slow the drying time. Less water speeds up drying time.
To make fast drying, scratch resistant waterproof grouting.
Be sure the area to be grouted is thoroughly clear of all debris and the tiles are perfectly aligned with each other. Next, wet the grouting area with water.

Add colored grout cement + sufficient water to bind the cement to the desired consistency + DAMDEX (2% by weight of the colored cement).
1. Mix water and cement together in a bucket until a medium, even mixture is achieved.
2. Next add DAMDEX and stir well into the mixture.
The surface areas to be filled must be damp. Use a trowel to work in the cement and to get the grouting even. Wipe tiles clean with a sponge or damp rag and allow grouting to dry.

Prove it yourself: grouting results with DAMDEX are far stronger than other grouting products. When absolutely dry rub grouting with a wire brush.
To get the best results when installing ceramic wall and floor tiles on cement or concrete:
- Be sure the surface to be tiled is level and even and the tiles are fitted correctly according to the screed.
- For best results cement and concrete surfaces should be first dampened. Avoid working on hot, dry surfaces.
Portland cement + Water + DAMDEX (2% by weight of dry cement)
Follow exactly the same method as when affixing ceramic tiles.

- Avoid ingesting. If swallowed bring victim and DAMDEX container to a specialist immediately.
- Avoid contact with eyes. If eyes come in to contact, wash well with water and see a specialist (bring container).
- Use gloves when handling DAMDEX.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Store at room temperature.
- Genuine DAMDEX is a dark brown color.
Paint a waterproof coating on tiled, concrete or asbestos roofs, or on floors and wall surfaces or on ceramic tiles.
- Thoroughly clean the surface to be coated from all dirt, dust, mildew and other foreign matter such as old paint or bitumen from other waterproofing products, anything that may prevent the mixture penetrating deep down.
- For best results, moisten the surface with water. Never work on hot, dry surfaces.
- Remove any lumps by riddling/filtering the cement before mixing.
Add 2 parts Portland cement + 1 part water + 1 part DAMDEX
2 kg cement + 1 liter water + 1 liter DAMDEX with a 0.5 mm thickness covers 4 m2
- In a bucket make an evenly mixed solution of water and cement.
- When thoroughly mixed pour in DAMDEX and stir well again. Mixture is now ready to use.
- Clean and moisten surface with water. Use a brush or roller to coat the surface first vertically then when dry horizontally.
- Apply as a waterproofing layer on a ‘bare’ concrete floor. After coating floor should be "cured" gradually for best results.
For larger areas use DAMDEX WARNA
DAMDEX is used, with excellent results to protect buildings against weather
- Mix with only cement or cement and water
- To slow drying time add water as required
- For tile grouting, use only coloured grouting cement
- Extract all lumps from cement before using. For best results use fresh cement
- For optimal results on concrete roofs, and to make them more waterproof, the roof can be coated again with a protective layer of plaster.
- For best results and to prevent cracking, dry concrete and plaster by curing slowly. Keep continuously moist by covering with sacks for seven days.
- When applying thin coatings DAMDEX is best used on small areas, approximately ± 1 m2. For use on larger areas flexible DAMDEX WARNA is advised.*
- Avoid ingesting. If swallowed bring victim and DAMDEX container to a specialist immediately.
- Avoid contact with eyes. If eyes come in to contact, wash well with water and see a specialist (bring container).
- Use gloves when handling DAMDEX.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Store at room temperature.
- Genuine DAMDEX is a dark brown color.